Start search



There are various ways of searching for images: 


a. Searching Field

Enter your search terms in the search field and click on the green arrow. Once you have selected an image, you can find the keywords relating to that image under the tab “DETAILED SEARCH”. If you click on a keyword in this list and then on “Search”, you will be shown the database of all the images containing this keyword.


b. Topics 

In the left-hand column under “Topics” you can select your desired fields - click on the green arrow - and then browse through the displayed images. 


c. Research

If you have been unable to find a suitable image or have little time for this, Bilderwerkstatt will be happy to do this for you. If you provide us with some information and keywords relating to the images you are looking for, we will compile a selection for you to view. Bilderwerkstatt will charge a flat fee of CHF 45.00 per research task




For the most part, images are offered as “Rights Managed (RM)” images. A proportion of the pictures are offered “Royalty Free (RF)”. Legally binding terms of use can be found in the GTCB’s (General Terms and Conditions of Business). If you are registered and logged in, you can download individual images for layout purposes – in the detailed image view under “DOWNLOAD”. Information on the pictures can be found, logically enough, under “INFO”. In the “LIGHTBOX” you can compile one or more sequences of suitable images and download them for layout purposes. As soon as you have selected and ordered the images, you can download the images in print quality (high resolution). 




Most images are available in A3 format and larger. Tiff format is also available upon request (15% surcharge). Requests should be sent with the corresponding image numbers to Bilderwerkstatt:




If you are a registered customer, you can purchase the images in accordance with the agreed terms and conditions. Select your particulars from the list. The invoice for the purchased images can be found in the top menu under “MY ACCOUNT”. This invoice must be settled within 10 days. 





Please send any questions or suggestions to us at: